TOK essay titles May 2022

Can there be knowledge that is independent of culture? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.

One of the AOKs used


TOK concepts used

You can spin the threads of your argument through evidence, interpretation, and justification.

Ideas to weave through TOK essay title 1 May 2022

  • Unpack the meaning of the key terms, viz. Culture. You need to look through certain intrinsic factors infused into culture like beliefs and assumptions.
  • How is culture linked to AOK? What knowledge of AOK is independent of culture? Are there different ways of teaching and learning maths in different cultures? What are they? Is the study of mathematics independent of culture? That mean is it universally standardized? Show evidence.
  • One of your evidence for cultural impact on the pursuit of mathematical knowledge may be the Diversity Model, which can be analysed through a balanced approach.

About TOK essay 2022

Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the well studied academically rigorous IB core, has its concurrence with all other disciplines in understanding how to construct knowledge well. TOK essay, being externally assessed on a scale of 10, counts for 67% of your total TOK score-which is indeed a substantial assessment component. TOK essays have always been the pain points for the IBDP students, for often the right sense of direction is missing. The approach to TOK essay requires it to be done in the ‘IB TOK way’ which looks for consistent expert support and hand holding.

If you happen to be one of the IBDP aspirants who aim to nail the TOK essay May 2022, you look for the right sense of direction. 

A detailed and comprehensive tutoring help can be taken from our IB tok experts. For tutoring packages and finishing your TOK essay early buy packages.

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To what extent do you agree with the claim that “there’s a world of difference between truth and facts”. (Maya Angelou) Answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.

One of the AOKs used

The Arts

TOK concepts used

You can spin the threads of your argument through evidence, truth, perspectives.

Ideas to weave through TOK essay title 2 May 2022

  • Unpack the meaning of the key terms, viz. facts and truth. Facts are verifiable. Though truth corresponds to the real world and coheres to the web of belief, the question is- what are the problems it brings in?
  • How strong, authentic, and reliable are the evidence to verify the facts.
  • In history, is there a marked difference between truth and fact? Does truth always match with the surrounding?
  • In history, what is the relevance of facts and truth? Whether facts exist in history in the true sense, is a food for thought. What can you infer about historical biographies?

Many such startling questions may overwhelm you. The wider the window of ideas, the more balanced your approach. However, in the intriguing journey remain focused, clear and crisp with your Knowledge Question and never deviate.

About TOK essay 2022

Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the well studied academically rigorous IB core, has its concurrence with all other disciplines in understanding how to construct knowledge well. TOK essay, being externally assessed on a scale of 10, counts for 67% of your total TOK score-which is indeed a substantial assessment component. TOK essays have always been the pain points for the IBDP students, for often the right sense of direction is missing. The approach to TOK essay requires it to be done in the ‘IB TOK way’ which looks for consistent expert support and hand holding.

If you happen to be one of the IBDP aspirants who aim to nail the TOK essay May 2022, you look for the right sense of direction. 

A detailed and comprehensive tutoring help can be taken from our IB TOK experts. For tutoring packages and finishing your TOK essay early buy packages.

$299 for 10 Hours
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Is there solid justification for regarding knowledge in the natural sciences more highly than another area of knowledge? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge.

One of the AOKs used

The natural sciences

TOK concepts used

You can spin the threads of your argument through certainty, justification.

Ideas to weave through TOK essay title 3 May 2022

  • Unpack the meaning of the key terms, viz. justification and more highly. Do all Justification require evidence?. What is the certainty of the use of evidence?
  • How do you justify the pursuit of knowledge in the natural sciences? What are the kinds of evidence used in natural sciences? What is the reliability quotient attached to the evidence used? How do you justify knowledge construction in natural sciences?
  • If the knowledge construction can be justified in the natural sciences through logical reasoning, then how do we justify knowledge in some other AOK?

About TOK essay 2022

Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the well studied academically rigorous IB core, has its concurrence with all other disciplines in understanding how to construct knowledge well. TOK essay, being externally assessed on a scale of 10, counts for 67% of your total TOK score-which is indeed a substantial assessment component. TOK essays have always been the pain points for the IBDP students, for often the right sense of direction is missing. The approach to TOK essay requires it to be done in the ‘IB TOK way’ which looks for consistent expert support and hand holding.

If you happen to be one of the IBDP aspirants who aim to nail the TOK essay May 2022, you look for the right sense of direction. 

A detailed and comprehensive tutoring help can be taken from our IB TOK experts. For tutoring packages and finishing your TOK essay early buy packages.

$299 for 10 Hours
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How do historians and human scientists give knowledge meaning through the telling of stories? Discuss with reference to history and the human sciences.

One of the AOKs used


TOK concepts used

You can spin the threads of your argument through perspectives, interpretation.

Ideas to weave through TOK essay title 4 May 2022

  • Unpack the meaning of the key term- ‘ give knowledge meaning’. What do we mean by giving meaning to knowledge? Are we aiming to explore the power of knowledge through the real life application? 
  • His-story is what history means. History banks on records which might not be verifiable. Hence, the mind boggling question is on what kind of story forms the premise to the knowledge acquisition in history. What are the perspectives involved in analysing the stories? What are the interpretations of the knowledge constructed? Is there any confirmation bias inflicting knowledge production and communication?
  • For a human science subject, how do stories play a role in knowledge acquisition? Stories range from autobiographies, biographies, to anecdotes. What is the level of certainty and justification in trusting the stories shared and constructing our knowledge?

    Many such startling questions may overwhelm you. The wider the window of ideas, the more balanced your approach. However, in the intriguing journey remain focused, clear and crisp with your Knowledge Question and never deviate.

About TOK essay 2022

Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the well studied academically rigorous IB core, has its concurrence with all other disciplines in understanding how to construct knowledge well. TOK essay, being externally assessed on a scale of 10, counts for 67% of your total TOK score-which is indeed a substantial assessment component. TOK essays have always been the pain points for the IBDP students, for often the right sense of direction is missing. The approach to TOK essay requires it to be done in the ‘IB TOK way’ which looks for consistent expert support and hand holding.

If you happen to be one of the IBDP aspirants who aim to nail the TOK essay May 2022, you look for the right sense of direction. 

A detailed and comprehensive tutoring help can be taken from our IB TOK experts. For tutoring packages and finishing your TOK essay early buy packages.

$299 for 10 Hours
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How can we distinguish between good and bad interpretations? Discuss with reference to the arts and one other area of knowledge.

One of the AOKs used

The arts

TOK concepts used

You can spin the threads of your argument through perspectives, explanation, interpretation, and culture.

Ideas to weave through TOK essay title 5 May 2022

  • Unpack the meaning of the key terms- interpretation, good, and bad.
  • How do you define interpretation? What is the element of subjectivity in interpretation? How interpretation is infused within cultures and beliefs? What are the diverse perspectives attached in attributing something as good or bad? How powerful and objective are the attributes good or bad?
  • In the arts interpretations may be good or bad. What are the yardsticks of claiming the perspectives and interpretations as good or bad? Analyse through arguments where perspectives inflict the interpretation of an object by different individuals.  For example, how good an interpretation is if the beauty of a girl is compared at par with the Greek Goddess Aphrodite? 

Many such startling questions may overwhelm you. The wider the window of ideas, the more balanced your approach. However, in the intriguing journey remain focused, clear and crisp with your Knowledge Question and never deviate. 

About TOK essay 2022

Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the well studied academically rigorous IB core, has its concurrence with all other disciplines in understanding how to construct knowledge well. TOK essay, being externally assessed on a scale of 10, counts for 67% of your total TOK score-which is indeed a substantial assessment component. TOK essays have always been the pain points for the IBDP students, for often the right sense of direction is missing. The approach to TOK essay requires it to be done in the ‘IB TOK way’ which looks for consistent expert support and hand holding.

If you happen to be one of the IBDP aspirants who aim to nail the TOK essay May 2022, you look for the right sense of direction. 

A detailed and comprehensive tutoring help can be taken from our IB TOK experts. For tutoring packages and finishing your TOK essay early buy packages.

$299 for 10 Hours
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If we conclude that there is some knowledge we should not pursue on ethical grounds, how can we determine the boundaries of acceptable investigation within an area of knowledge? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

One of the AOKs used

The natural sciences

TOK concepts used

You can spin the threads of your argument through evidence, justification.

Ideas to weave through TOK essay title 6 May 2022

  • Unpack the meaning of the key terms- ‘ethical’, ‘boundaries’, ‘acceptable’, ‘investigation’.Ethics involve the moral principles of human behaviour and actions.
  • What makes you demarcate the boundary between ethical and unethical investigation?  Is there a social responsibility involved in conducting research? Does determination of the acceptable boundary bank on cultural perspectives?
  • In the natural sciences exploration and research requires experimental studies. Do experimental studies in natural sciences contravene ethical norms? Is the protection of research participants at stake? What counts as an unethical stance in an experimental study of the natural sciences? You may evaluate with an example like unethical gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 used by Chinese scientist He Jiankui in DNA modification of twins. While many have claimed the investigation as irresponsibly unethical, questions arise on what kind of necessities propelled him to conduct the experiment? 

About TOK essay 2022

Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the well studied academically rigorous IB core, has its concurrence with all other disciplines in understanding how to construct knowledge well. TOK essay, being externally assessed on a scale of 10, counts for 67% of your total TOK score-which is indeed a substantial assessment component. TOK essays have always been the pain points for the IBDP students, for often the right sense of direction is missing. The approach to TOK essay requires it to be done in the ‘IB TOK way’ which looks for consistent expert support and hand holding.

If you happen to be one of the IBDP aspirants who aim to nail the TOK essay May 2022, you look for the right sense of direction. 

A detailed and comprehensive tutoring help can be taken from our IB TOK experts. For tutoring packages and finishing your TOK essay early buy packages.

$299 for 10 Hours
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TOK Essay Title 1

Can there be knowledge that is independent of culture? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.

One of the AOKs through which you can connect your TOK essay 


Which may be the appropriate TOK concepts?

How values and perspectives are innate in the cultures.

Threading TOK essay title 1 May 2022

  • The essence of culture can be experienced by the community of knowers through their beliefs, emotions, assumptions and so on. 
  • Find the nexus between culture and knowledge production. Explore AOKs through the concept of culture. Which AOKs have more predominance of culture in the pursuit of knowledge and which have less? How do you substantiate that culture influences the study of Mathematics? Are there cases where mathematical understanding is not connected to culture? To what extent culture impacts the study of mathematics is your purview of the study.
  • While you can cite examples for diverse cultures impacting the innovation of mathematics, can there be evidence that suggests the universality of mathematical study?


How important is the TOK essay?

The TOK essay of 10 marks is a 67% weightage component, which assesses how clear, critical, and coherent you are in your analysis and reflection. Students find it painstaking, for they often lack guidance on how to write the perfect TOK essay. It is not about how knowledgeable you exhibit yourself to be in explaining your research. It is about how you have constructed your knowledge-and that’s where the catch is!

The TOK essay path is not verbose but precise, not descriptive but analytical, not individualistic but holistically balanced.

A robust and rigorous hand-holding by our IB TOK facilitators would help you in the student-led TOK journey. Buy our tutoring packages to make an early start for your TOK essay. 

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TOK Essay Title 2

To what extent do you agree with the claim that “there’s a world of difference between truth and facts”. (Maya Angelou) Answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.

One of the AOKs through which you can connect your TOK essay

The Arts

Which may be the appropriate TOK concepts?

Objectivity, perspective, truth, justification, explanation are concepts that can be coherently used.

Threading TOK essay title 2 May 2022

  • Facts and truth are overwhelming. While facts look for verification through evidence, truth coincides and coheres with the real world. Are the concepts straight or are we missing something? What if, how I perceive and filter the information about the surrounding is different from your perception? In such cases, the same truth may or may not correspond to reality when analyzed through different perspectives. Have you thought of the case where you can attribute the surroundings based on your prior beliefs? Are we trying to say that there is a possibility of confirmation bias?
  •  Analyzing through the arts, questions may arise on what kind of truth is infused in the arts? Can the truth for the arts correspond to reality through scientific evidence or is there some other form of truth we might get to explore? How do fact and truth differ for the arts?

How important is the TOK essay?

The TOK essay of 10 marks is a 67% weightage component, which assesses how clear, critical, and coherent you are in your analysis and reflection. Students find it painstaking, for they often lack guidance on how to write the perfect TOK essay. It is not about how knowledgeable you exhibit yourself to be in explaining your research. It is about how you have constructed your knowledge-and that’s where the catch is!

The TOK essay path is not verbose but precise, not descriptive but analytical, not individualistic but holistically balanced.

A robust and rigorous hand-holding by our IB TOK facilitators would help you in the student-led TOK journey. Buy our tutoring packages to make an early start for your TOK essay. 

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TOK Essay Title 3

Is there solid justification for regarding knowledge in the natural sciences more highly than another area of knowledge? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge.

One of the AOKs through which you can connect your TOK essay

The natural sciences

Which may be the appropriate TOK concepts?

Evidence and objectivity

Threading TOK essay title 3 May 2022

  • What are the conduits through which you can justify knowledge? What can make a justification more certain? What is the element of objectivity in justification? 
  • The natural sciences look for evidence to validate or justify the facts. What is the rationale involved in the justification process? How do we get to ratify a knowledge of the natural sciences?
  • What are the ways we can support the justification for other AOK?

How important is the TOK essay?

The TOK essay of 10 marks is a 67% weightage component, which assesses how clear, critical, and coherent you are in your analysis and reflection. Students find it painstaking, for they often lack guidance on how to write the perfect TOK essay. It is not about how knowledgeable you exhibit yourself to be in explaining your research. It is about how you have constructed your knowledge-and that’s where the catch is!

The TOK essay path is not verbose but precise, not descriptive but analytical, not individualistic but holistically balanced.

A robust and rigorous hand-holding by our IB TOK facilitators would help you in the student-led TOK journey. Buy our tutoring packages to make an early start for your TOK essay. 

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TOK Essay Title 4

How do historians and human scientists give knowledge meaning through the telling of stories? Discuss with reference to history and the human sciences.

One of the AOKs through which you can connect your TOK essay


Which may be the appropriate TOK concepts?

Culture, perspectives, certainty, responsibility

Threading TOK essay title 4 May 2022

  • What does ‘meaning to knowledge’ connotate? Is it implying the realistic appeal of knowledge constructed? What is the role of stories in weaving through knowledge? Does knowledge become more powerful when weaved through stories?
  • What are the foundational blocks for factual history and speculative history? What is the element of certainty in the stories shared by historians? How do you justify the knowledge construction in history? How meaningful is the knowledge in history constructed through stories? Also, the perspectives of historians may inflict neutrality in the pursuit of knowledge.

How important is the TOK essay?

The TOK essay of 10 marks is a 67% weightage component, which assesses how clear, critical, and coherent you are in your analysis and reflection. Students find it painstaking, for they often lack guidance on how to write the perfect TOK essay. It is not about how knowledgeable you exhibit yourself to be in explaining your research. It is about how you have constructed your knowledge-and that’s where the catch is!

The TOK essay path is not verbose but precise, not descriptive but analytical, not individualistic but holistically balanced.

A robust and rigorous hand-holding by our IB TOK facilitators would help you in the student-led TOK journey. Buy our tutoring packages to make an early start for your TOK essay. 

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TOK Essay Title 5

How can we distinguish between good and bad interpretations? Discuss with reference to the arts and one other area of knowledge.

One of the AOKs through which you can connect your TOK essay title 5

The arts

Which may be the appropriate TOK concepts?

Culture, perspectives, certainty, justification

Threading TOK essay title 5 May 2022

  • What is the connotation of acclaiming an explanation as good or bad? While these attributes are attacked by subjective bias, what is the extent of certainty for such interpretations? 
  • The perspective of looking at an artwork piece may vary. How does inter-cultural influence impact the communication of art through images, sounds, and stories as good or bad? 

How important is the TOK essay?

The TOK essay of 10 marks is a 67% weightage component, which assesses how clear, critical, and coherent you are in your analysis and reflection. Students find it painstaking, for they often lack guidance on how to write the perfect TOK essay. It is not about how knowledgeable you exhibit yourself to be in explaining your research. It is about how you have constructed your knowledge-and that’s where the catch is!

The TOK essay path is not verbose but precise, not descriptive but analytical, not individualistic but holistically balanced.

A robust and rigorous hand-holding by our IB TOK facilitators would help you in the student-led TOK journey. Buy our tutoring packages to make an early start for your TOK essay. 

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TOK Essay Title 6

If we conclude that there is some knowledge we should not pursue on ethical grounds, how can we determine the boundaries of acceptable investigation within an area of knowledge? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

One of the AOKs through which you can connect your TOK essay title 6

The human sciences

Which may be the appropriate TOK concepts?

Evidence, certainty, justification, responsibility

Threading TOK essay title 6 May 2022

  • What is the instrument or filter funnel through which we evaluate the ethical stance of a research investigation? Can ethics be always abided by in an invention? Is the attribute ‘ethical’ subjective and dependent upon perspectives? Can there be impending reasons to bypass the ethical stance in an investigation?
  • Through the research on animal behavior to inspect human behavior, there might be reasons for testing. Now, the question is -are such testing unethical? Zoom on ‘the learned helplessness experiment of 1965 conducted by psychologist Martin Seligman’ and critically reflect on the impending need for research and ethical stance involved. Is it that ethics limit the pursuit of knowledge?

How important is the TOK essay?

The TOK essay of 10 marks is a 67% weightage component, which assesses how clear, critical, and coherent you are in your analysis and reflection. Students find it painstaking, for they often lack guidance on how to write the perfect TOK essay. It is not about how knowledgeable you exhibit yourself to be in explaining your research. It is about how you have constructed your knowledge-and that’s where the catch is!

The TOK essay path is not verbose but precise, not descriptive but analytical, not individualistic but holistically balanced.

A robust and rigorous hand-holding by our IB TOK facilitators would help you in the student-led TOK journey. Buy our tutoring packages to make an early start for your TOK essay. 

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Theory of knowledge

The TOK essay titles may 2022 will be released by the IB in September first week of 2022. Students are expected to choose one of the six prescribed TOK essay titles. Each essay must not be more than 1600 words.

The 6 prescribed TOK Essay titles May 2022 by IB are mentioned above.