TOK Essay Titles

TOK essay title 3 Nov 2021

TOK Essay Title 3 Nov 2021: “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” (Arthur Conan Doyle). Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Tok Essay titles November 2021

A look through the magnifying glass into the title focuses on the interest to inspect the true meaning of ‘fact’. The connotation of fact as a verifiable piece of information may startle you to think that what is the parameter against which you will verify facts.

How authentic is the parameter which forms the basis of fact?  The question triggers an urge to explore ‘fact’ as an evidence to back up an information and attribute it as a knowledge claim.

You get to explore the meaning of ‘obvious’ which means trifle or apparent. Ask yourself that how do you even get to verify these obvious facts. WOKs like memory and sense perception are the channels through which you acquire these obvious facts. You get to claim them as real first-hand information which don’t need reasoning to be supported.

However, the so-called obvious facts are aftermath of a mapped personal memories or experiences. Even, they can be a gather from the shared thoughts of the community with a similar mind set. Nonetheless, the collection of shared information might be problematic -vulnerable to chronic changes or biases.

You tend to probably question the authenticity of such obvious facts. The more you get to expose yourself to cases where statistical graphs are subject to cherry picking or the advertisement strategy is affected by deep fakes, you tend to delve deeper with a critical analysis.

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